Technical Writing: Writing Made Easy: The Secrets of Successful Technical Writing

Event information
Venue:FIU in Downtown Brickell 1101 Brickell Avenue, Suite S-205 Miami, FL 33131


Is your written communication clear and understandable? Whether you write memos, letters, reports, proposals, manuals, performance reviews or personnel reviews, learn how to get rid of jargon and pompous language that muddles your message. This intensive workshop will help participants master the skills needed to handle any technical writing project with ease and confidence, i.e., memos, proposals, reports, etc.

Class Learning Objectives:

  • Identify your audience
  • Understand the purpose of your writing
  • Write with ease, simplicity, and clarity
  • Write in a positive and friendly tone
  • Develop effective openings and closings
  • Use the “mind mapping” technique for organizing ideas
  • Understand how to deliver bad news in a good way
  • Link ideas with transitional phrases
  • Get rid of writers’ block


You will discover how to use clustering, ranking, structuring and other shortcuts to minimize your writing time; how to create a Writer's Action Plan to organize and present information clearly and concisely; and tips for banishing wordiness and excessive technical jargon from your writing.

Do not leave your technical writing skills to chance! Invest a day in this information-packed clinic and you'll quickly gain the essential knowledge and expertise you need to make every technical writing project shine.