Survey and Opinion Research

The Metropolitan Center conducts quantitative and qualitative public opinion research, including surveys, focus groups, one-on-one interviews and mystery shops. These services are aimed at giving local governments, community organizations, and business establishments an understanding of general public policy issues, and aim to assist them in their efforts to improve customer service and satisfaction.

The Center has conducted a number of statewide, regional, and county-wide telephone polls, and also has experience in conducting paper-based and online surveys. One of the Center’s main advantages is its extensive experience in conducting behavioral research in South Florida in English, Spanish and Creole. For more information, please contact Dr. Maria Ilcheva via

Public Opinion

The Metropolitan center offers to companies and organizations the opportunity to conduct Public Opinion services to evaluate different aspects such as employee's reviews and experiences.

Performance Evaluation

The Metropolitan Center's Performance Evaluation Division is leading the way in the development of comparative measures to assess the effectiveness of local government institutions and non-profit organizations.

Hurricane Research

Since 2004 the Metropolitan Center performs annual research studies on topics like hurricane preparedness, with statewide polls and forum groups for example.